25-0085 Product Design Apprentice
About the Role
Over the last couple of years, we have seen an increase in demand for our products and services, and as a result the design teams’ workload is increasing. We foresee this continuing, so we want to be prepared for the future. We believe that employing an apprentice is the best fit for our company.
Role & responsibilities:
- Learn to design and develop new and bespoke products and solutions
- Work with senior design staff on larger projects
- Design simple products under the supervision of senior design staff
- Work to established design practices and protocols for example ISO 90001: 2015
- Work with the engineering and manufacturing team to understand the important elements of productions, and how they influence the design process
Completion of the University of Sheffield’s AMRC Training Centre apprenticeships are nationally recognised qualifications which are acknowledged and respected by employers across the world. These can open the door to many more opportunities, such as Engineering Management and Project Engineering positions across a range of sectors worldwide.
About the Training
The candidate will study for a Level 6 Product Design and Development Engineer with a Mechanical Manufacture pathway. On completion of this, you will gain a qualification in Engineering at Degree Level 6 standard.
During the first year of the apprenticeship, your learning will take place at the University of Sheffield’s AMRC Training Centre based at Catcliffe, Rotherham, for an initial block of study on a full-time basis. After this, you will attend the Training Centre for one day a week for knowledge study.
About the Employer
Skills Required
- Communication skills
- Organisation skills
- Problem solving skills
- Analytical skills
- Initiative
Training Provider
Product design and development engineer (degree) (level 6)